Card content shown
App info
kloda version: 1.0.6
Slogan: Web abyss to learning bliss!
Project dependencies
- @emailjs/browser 4.4.1
- @hookform/resolvers 3.9.0
- @next/third-parties 15.1.2
- @nextui-org/checkbox 2.1.5
- @nextui-org/pagination 2.0.36
- @nextui-org/radio 2.1.5
- @nextui-org/select 2.2.7
- @nextui-org/slider 2.2.17
- @nextui-org/system 2.2.6
- @nextui-org/theme 2.2.11
- @tanstack/react-query 5.56.2
- clsx 2.1.1
- embla-carousel-auto-scroll 8.5.2
- embla-carousel-react 8.5.2
- framer-motion 11.11.7
- franc-min 6.2.0
- holy-loader 2.3.11
- ky 1.7.2
- lucide-react 0.445.0
- next 14.3.0-canary.0
- next-themes 0.3.0
- next-view-transitions 0.3.2
- query-string 9.1.1
- react 18
- react-dom 18
- react-google-recaptcha 3.1.0
- react-hook-form 7.53.0
- react-select 5.8.3
- react-toastify 10.0.5
- react-tooltip 5.28.0
- tailwind-merge 2.5.2
- zod 3.23.8
- zustand 5.0.0
Development dependencies
- @biomejs/biome 1.9.1
- @tanstack/react-query-devtools 5.56.2
- @types/node 20
- @types/react 18
- @types/react-dom 18
- @types/dom-speech-recognition 0.0.4
- @types/react-google-recaptcha 2.1.9
- postcss 8
- tailwindcss 3.4.1
- typescript 5
Old version of Kloda Backend
was made on Google Sheets Feel the difference!