User manual
The application logo is displayed if the user's device has an internet connection.
Displays instead of the logo if there is no internet connection and the application is running offline.
Activates the search bar. Search can also be activated using the hotkey combination Ctrl + K.
On the cards page, the search finds cards by their title and content.
On the users page, it searches for users by their name and email address.
Enables voice search if the user's device supports this feature.
Appears instead of the microphone button when voice input is expected. Once the user voices a search query, it is automatically applied.
Opens the login page. On this page, users can log in to their profile or access the registration form for new users.
Displays if the user is logged in and opens their profile.
Opens the page with all users registered in the application.
Opens the page with cards.
Opens the form for creating a new card. Only authorized users can create cards.
Enables the card practice mode. In this mode, the content of all cards is hidden, and only their titles are displayed.
Enables the card study mode. In this mode, the content of all cards is displayed.
Enables the dark theme of the application.
Enables the light theme of the application.
Opens the application settings page.
Collapses the menu header.
Displays when the menu header is collapsed and expands it.
Expands additional card information: categories, author, creation/last update date and time, identifier. If additional card information is expanded on the cards page, it also displays the card's ordinal number on the current page.
Displays when additional card information is expanded and collapses it.
Likes the card. Only authorized users can like cards. The total number of card likes is displayed next to it.
Dislikes the card. Only authorized users can dislike cards. The total number of card dislikes is displayed next to it.
Adds the card to favorites. Only authorized users can add cards to favorites. The total number of times the card has been added to favorites is displayed next to it.
Copies the card's title and content to the clipboard.
Shares the card. Displays if the user's device supports the Share
Copies the card's link to the clipboard. Displays instead of the Share
button if the user's device does not support this feature.
Opens the card TTS player, where you can enable text-to-speech reading of the card and configure its settings.
Hides the card content, leaving only its title visible.
Shows the card content if it is hidden.
Opens the card editing form. Only authorized users can edit cards they have created.
Opens a dialog to confirm the deletion of the card. Only authorized users can delete cards they have created.
Card Text-to-Speech (TTS)
Plays the TTS reading of the previous card in the playlist. If the current card is the first in the playlist, it plays the last one.
Plays the TTS reading of the currently selected card.
Pauses the TTS reading of the card.
Stops the TTS reading of the card.
Plays the TTS reading of the next card in the playlist. If the current card is the last in the playlist, it plays the first one.
Plays the TTS reading of a random card in the playlist.
Enables single TTS reading mode for a card.
Enables looping TTS reading mode for a single card.
Enables looping TTS reading mode for the card playlist.
Enables random card TTS reading mode from the playlist.
Expands/collapses the playlist for TTS reading.
Shows/hides the visualization of the TTS reading process.
Expands/collapses the TTS settings. In the settings, users can select a synthetic voice from the ones available on their device. Users can also adjust the voice volume, rate, and pitch.
Resets all TTS settings to their default values.
Closes the TTS player.